Foundation Face (2015)

Drawing: Special Topics, Study Abroad

The piece below is the work that was created using my drawing machine. The machine involved two stages of the make-up process: foundation and powder. Each step is differentiated by a different colour, blue and orange respectively.

Foundation Face (2015) 14" x 11" Pen on paper

Foundation Face (2015)
14″ x 11″
Pen on paper

Responses from the critique were interesting. Initially, no one could guess the process or what the piece was, but after explaining the machine, students were impressed that you could what the image was (essentially a face) after being told about the machine. Therefore, feedback included that the titling of this piece is very important, as conceptual works usually use the title to explain. So, the title for this piece should help the audience to understand what they are viewing.

Further feedback involved uses different colours that were easier to distinguish. Also, the piece was considered successful to the extent that the continuation of the work as a series, perhaps created on a daily basis, was recommended. The exploration of other daily routines was also suggested.

I find this work interesting because the marks are guided, whereas, looking at the image without knowing the process, it is difficult to believe that because the mark marking looks accidental or unintentional.

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